Older Women Who Work Includes Chapters by Cole and Professor Patricia O’Connor

Older Women Who Work: Resilience, Choice and Change, co-edited by Russell Sage College Professor of Psychology Ellen Cole, Ph.D., has been named to the Association of College and Research Libraries list of Outstanding Academic Titles published in 2021.
ACRL’s review at ChoiceReviews.org called Older Women Who Work, “an engaging feminist collection of studies on an increasingly important sector of the worldwide workforce … Chock-full of practical and academic insights, this accessible work is a must-have for collections of all levels.”
Older Women Who Work includes Cole’s co-written chapter, “The Secret Poor Among Us: Older Women Who Work to Make Ends Meet,” and a chapter by Professor of Psychology Patricia O’Connor, Ph.D., titled, “What, Retire? Not Now — Maybe Not Ever.”
The book is published by the American Psychological Association. Cole’s co-editor is Lisa Hollis-Sawyer, Ph.D., of Northeastern Illinois University; her chapter co-author is the late Mary Gergen of Penn State.
The Association of College and Research Libraries is a division of the American Library Association. Its annual list of Outstanding Academic Titles reflects the best scholarly titles reviewed in its publication in a calendar year.
Cole is a former president of the APA’s Division 35-Society for the Psychology of Women. Her recent scholarship is focused on positive aging for women.