Engaged Learning at Russell Sage

We like to make learning come alive at Russell Sage College through Engaged Learning approaches, including experiential and service learning, research with faculty support, clinicals and student teaching, and internships and job shadowing.

They’re also meaningful ways to show future employers what you know. And that’s why our focus on Engaged Learning means 100% of students gain at least two resume-building experiences throughout their time at Russell Sage.

What does it look like at Russell Sage?

Creating a Coloring Book to Welcome Refugee Families

RSC 301: Innovating to Impact

Art + Extended Media, Physical Education, Nutrition, and Business Administration majors in RSC 301: Innovating to Impact designed, produced, and raised funds for 2,000 coloring books called “I Belong in Albany,” which were given to local organizations that support refugee families.


The books, which feature drawings of Capital Region landmarks, offer refugee children a creative activity while learning about their new home, which leads to a sense of belonging. 

Discovering an Important Detail about Pulse Oximeters and Race

Exploring Intercultural Perspectives

Biology majors and Pre-Med students Mena Abdelmeged ’24 and Danielle Williams ’24 won first place at the CSTEP Statewide Student Conference for their research presentation, “The effect of skin pigmentation on pulse oximeter readings based on findings from the COVID-19 pandemic.” 


The students determined that pulse oximeters, which are used to measure oxygen levels, may deliver inaccurate results when used on individuals with dark-pigmented skin. These inaccurate results can lead to inappropriate medical treatment.

“These findings indicate caution when measuring blood oxygen levels with pulse oximeters in  dark-skinned patients. Manufacturers of oximeters should explore ways to improve accuracy of the devices.”

Mena Abdelmeged ’24 and Danielle Williams ’24

Biology and Pre-Med

Opening Doors for the Next Opportunity

The name Russell Sage College means something in health care.

Throughout his time at Russell Sage, Kyle Peterson, M.S., PA-C, a 2019 graduate, took advantage of the many opportunities to build his resume. 


He traveled to Kenya with Professor Emilly Obuya and two pre-med classmates to research and develop solutions to water sanitation.


And while still a student, he landed a job as a patient care associate at a local hospital because the name Russell Sage College means something in health care. He then used that work experience to get enough contact hours to apply to a physician assistant program. 


Today, he’s an orthopedic surgery physician assistant at Harlem Hospital Center.

“Russell Sage College has a strong name in the Capital Region, especially in the medical community, having that name on my resume gave me so many opportunities.”

Kyle Peterson ’19

M.S., PA-C

From Intern to Designer

Landing the Dream Job

As a student, Brooke Perry, who graduated in 2022 with her B.F.A. in Interior + Spatial Design, received critical internship guidance from faculty that led her to focus on her passion for kitchen and bath design at an internship at Curtis Lumber.


While there, she applied all that she had learned in her Russell Sage courses about manual and digital drafting, space planning and construction methods, and how to apply sustainable materials, lighting, color, textiles, and furniture to meet clients’ aesthetic and functional needs. The staff at Curtis Lumber were so impressed with her, they asked her to stay on, and today, she is a kitchen and bath associate designer for the company.

“During my internship, I was able to see first-hand how great the environment was and when an opportunity was presented to me, I was happy to stay.”

Brooke Perry ’22

B.F.A. in Interior + Spatial Design