Russell Sage College was founded in 1916 by one of the most prolific philanthropists of her time, Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage, who named the college after her husband, a Gilded Age millionaire. A modern-day MacKenzie Scott, Slocum Sage embodied the college’s mission of using one’s resources to become an agent for change.
The Russell Sage motto is “Esse Scire Facere,” which is Latin for “To Be. To Know. To Do.”
Today, the college holds true to those founding values by embracing students for the unique gifts they bring to the college community, encouraging Engaged Learning through hands-on exploration, and preparing students for careers and a lifetime of good citizenship, where they work to improve the world around them.
Here is the schedule for Founder’s Week, which celebrates this spirit and heritage.
Intercultural Cafe: 4 to 6 p.m., Troy (Spirituality Center). Come celebrate the new Spirituality Center mural. Event sponsored by the Service Learning Center
Refugee and Immigrant Community Info Session: 1 to 2:30 p.m., Troy (Bush Memorial). Event sponsored by the Service Learning Center.
Volunteer Opportunity: Leading Children’s Activities at Albany International Center Open House: 6 to 8 p.m., 50 Lark St., Albany. Event sponsored by the Service Learning Center
Dean’s Summer Reading Lunch and Learn (required for all first-year students): noon to 2 p.m., The Armory, Albany campus. Event sponsored by the General Education program and the undergraduate dean. We are grateful for the support of the Harris and Chapman endowments.
Intercultural Cafe: 4 to 6 p.m., Albany (West Hall). Event sponsored by the Service Learning Center
Career Connection Mocktails with RSC Alumni Who are Veterans: 4:30 to 6 p.m., Troy. Event sponsored by the Career and Self-Discovery Center
Ruth Bader Ginsberg (RGB) cut-out selfie station in Buchman Pavillion (Troy campus)! Event sponsored by the Women’s Institute
“The Box Party Project” is a small series of public art installations that will be installed in different venues in the Capital Region. These installations are interactive machines, which engage the audience through small works of art, literature, or other handmade items produced by members of the collective, as well as pieces commissioned by local artists whose work aligns with our mission. The money acquired from the machines will be split by donation to the local small business(s) in which it resides for a short while on its “tour” around the capital district and a charity that we feel that our work strongly connects with. Event sponsored by the Women’s Institute and the Opalka Gallery
Community Engagement Walking Tours to highlight some of our local community partners. On the tours, we’ll discuss the community organizations’ missions, our partnership, and opportunities for students to get involved. Groups/Classes can reserve a spot here.
Don’t forget that Founder’s Festival leads into Family Weekend!