About Hallie Klosterman

Hallie Klosterman isn’t afraid of tough. In fact, it’s the tough stuff she’s found at Sage that she appreciates most.

Hallie’s in the Health Sciences/Physical Therapy 3+3 program, which allows students to earn an undergraduate degree and doctorate in physical therapy in less time than it would take to pursue the degrees separately. 

“You’re expected to be on top of your work,” she says. “It’s rigorous, at a higher intellectual level.”

She likes that.

Hallie is also on the women’s soccer team. 

“If you think Division III isn’t tough, you’d be wrong,” she says. “Coach Cobb expects a lot from us. We’re expected to treat soccer like it’s another class.”

She likes that too.

As a result, Hallie says she’s gotten a whole lot better at being focused. “In high school I was involved in so many things,” she says. “I never put enough time in any one thing.”

At Sage, with her focus on excelling in the classroom and on the soccer field, Hallie feels like she’s kicked into another gear. “I’m a lot stronger as an athlete,” she says. “And as a student I’m stronger intellectually, more organized and responsible.”

Hallie credits her professors with making school something she enjoys getting focused on. “We do so many different activities,” she says. “They work hard to make everything as interesting as they can.”

And she appreciates, no surprise, that her professors have high expectations for their students. “It makes me want to reach those expectations.”