About Kenneth J. Howard

Dr. Ken Howard is an associate professor in the Department of Biology and Health Sciences at Russell Sage College.


Recent Courses Taught

General Biology II lecture and lab
Principles of Ecology
Explorations of Research Methods
Environmental Issues
Environmental Biology

Research Interests

Evolution of sociality in insects
The role of a biting behavior in ants that may influence development
Symbioses that potentially manipulate host behavior
Competitive interactions

I like teaching at Sage because I get to work closely with students, both in the classroom and on research projects. The small classes we typically have at Sage allow me to teach the way I like best, engaging students through direct interaction, challenging students to think critically, and providing students opportunities to learn about science by doing science.

Kenneth J. Howard, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Selected Publications

Howard, K.J., P.M. Johns, N.L. Breisch, and B.L. Thorne. 2013. Frequent colony fusions provide opportunities for helpers to become reproductives in the termite Zootermopsis nevadensisBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 1575-1585.

Howard, K.J. and R.L. Jeanne. 2013. Developmental plasticity in response to queen presence in the queen-polymorphic ant Temnothorax longispinosusInsectes Sociaux 60: 179-189.

Educational Background

Post-doctoral Research, University of Maryland
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison