About Julie A. McIntyre

Julie Guay McIntyre, a developmental psychologist, is an associate professor of psychology  at Russell Sage College. Before coming to Sage, she taught for a year at SUNY Adirondack.

Dr. McIntyre loves teaching and getting students excited about keeping up with current research in both the popular press and scholarly journals. She  is also a supplements author for a number of psychology textbooks; her most recent work includes test item development and writing instructor manuals.

Recent Courses Taught

Introductory Psychology
Developmental Science
Health Psychology
Positive Psychology
Psychology of Disability

Research Interests

Impact of perceived parenting practices on adolescents’ coping strategies
Getting young girls interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)
Scholarship of teaching and learning

Distinctions & Awards

PI: “Expanding Views of Emerging Adulthood: Diverse Perspectives from across the U.S.” Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s APA Partnership Grant, 2012-2013. Co-investigator: K. Brakke, Ph.D.

Selected Publications

Jorgensen, R. S., Dusek, J. B., Richards, S., & McIntyre, J. G.  (2009).  An experimental investigation of consistency in female undergraduates’ reports of coping efforts for the same vs. different stressful situations.  Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 41, 51-54.

Chew, S. L. , Bartlett, R., Dobbins, J., Hammer, E. Y., Kite, M. Loop, T., McIntyre, J. G., & Rose, K. C.  (2009).  A contextual approach to teaching:  Bridging goals and outcomes.  In D. F. Halpern (Ed.).  (2009).Undergraduate education in psychology:  A blueprint for the future of the discipline. Washington, DC:  American Psychological Association.

Educational Background

Ph.D., Syracuse University
M.S., Syracuse University
B.A., State University of New York College at Plattsburgh
Psychology with a minor in French