About Julie Verette-Lindenbaum

Julie Verette Lindenbaum is an assistant professor in the Psychology department at Russell Sage College.

Recent Courses Taught

Close Relationships
Social Psychology
Research Methods and Design
Statistics with Computer Applications
Personality Theories
Persuasion and Social Influence
Senior Honors Research
Introductory Psychology

Research Interests

Interdependence between close relationship partners
The link between students and teachers, specifically students’ perceptions of teacher effectiveness

Distinctions & Awards

International Association for Relationships Research (IARR) Teaching Committee Chair (2018-2020)

Selected Publications

Verette-Lindenbaum, J., & Sprecher, S. (in preparation) Attributions in close relationships. For J. Ponzetti et al. Macmillan encyclopedia of intimate and family relationships: An interdisciplinary approach.

Verette-Lindenbaum, J. (July, 2018). Emotions and attributions as proximal indicators of accommodation. Poster presented at the IARR Conference of the International Association of Relationship Research, at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Educational Background

Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Social/Quantitative Psychology
M.A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Social Psychology